favor? i need a song for my english class which incorporates the theme of "carpe diem" [seize the day] in it. i can't think of any because i suck. any ideas?
today we got report cards. which was surprisingly super because ever more surprisingly... i did really well! wednesday will be nice because i only have to go in for 3 periods, then thanksgiving, then iceskating thennn....
so its been stressful lately. college is driving me crazy. and i'm working way too much. but sunday shannon,shawn,brian,and i went ice skating, so that was pretty super.
i almost got a speeding ticket today. i almost shit my pants.
i woke up and it was 1:19. aka. the first bell. so i had about 2 minutes to get to school. so i was going 50 down cherry and delware. so that would've been a felony. but i guess kim hopkins was right, if anyone can get out of a ticket.. its jordan leigh.