GRANDPA tends to speak too loudly. He is stern and serious
throughout. He moves stiffly.
RUBY is seven years old. She instinctively knows GRANDPA is joking.
She never stops fidgeting and bouncing about.
They start on, center.
GRANDPA: Now let us play a game.
RUBY: Ring around the rosie?
RUBY: Please, Gran'pa?
GRANDPA: Here is the game we shall play. I go 'Blaah,' and you go 'Mee mee
mee mee mee mee.' We take turns. Are you ready.
RUBY: Yeah.
RUBY: Mee mee mee mee mee mee.
RUBY: Mee mee mee mee mee mee.
RUBY: Mee mee mee mee mee mee.
GRANDPA: Blaah. -I win.
RUBY: You do not! I win!
GRANDPA: I beg your pardon.
RUBY: Mee mee mee mee mee mee! (giggles)
GRANDPA: Now we shall play 'Ring around the rosie'.
They face each other and join hands.
GRANDPA and RUBY (singing and spinning):
Ring around the rosie
Pocket full of posies (GRANDPA says "A pocket...")
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down! (RUBY falls down.)
RUBY: You're supposed to fall down, Gran'pa.
GRANDPA: I don't do that part.
RUBY: Then I win!
GRANDPA: You should consult the Americans with Disabilities Act.
RUBY: Can we get some ice cream, Gran'pa?
They begin a slow exit right.
GRANDPA: We can get slug salad.
RUBY: Ice cream!
GRANDPA: I suppose we must compromise. Liver and onions.
RUBY: Ice cream!
GRANDPA: You strike a hard bargain, sir.
RUBY (off): I'm not a sir!