My stuff!

Oct 03, 2004 17:02

The rest of my stuff is finally arriving tomorrow. Let me tell ya, you never realize how important your stuff is to you until you have to go without it. When I first got here, all I had was what I carried in my suitcase. Then, my first shipment arrived, and I was thrilled. Now, my last shipment is coming. My books, my microwave, my teaching files

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Comments 2

lakesharkbyte October 4 2004, 20:00:36 UTC
Why didn't you pack me away in some of that stuff. I don't want to live in washington anymore..


picture midnight_8806 October 6 2004, 05:21:55 UTC
Hey you...I have a picture I want to send to you. How would be the best way to send it? Snail mail, e-mail, etc...lemme know please.

Miss ya lots.



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