Happy New Year, eh? (That's Canadian)

Dec 30, 2004 23:09

The recent disaster in Asia (tsunami)had people here a bit tense. Several of our teachers were touring India, Thailand, and Cambodia when the titalwave hit. The military quickly hunted them down. Luckily, they are all accounted for now. It would have really sucked to come back to school after break and have to tell the kids that a few of their ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

redhead24 December 31 2004, 19:41:10 UTC
YAY! I get me a Silbaugh!!!


lakesharkbyte January 3 2005, 22:37:16 UTC
But before you leave Spokane, what are you going to do?


Duh! joseph19202 January 4 2005, 05:22:19 UTC
Let me guess: I am going to go to the bars with Erin and drink lemonade.


hoopshooter May 26 2005, 05:20:07 UTC
silbaugh, this is mark. . . how are you doing? we've missed you in the auditorium


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