Title: Girls Just Wanna Be Boys Again, Thanks (Part 2)
josephina_xFandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark, Lex
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: major for Season 1, though it references some things up to Season 5 and beyond (Oliver, mainly); starts after Jitters (1x08) but goes AU before Rogue (1x09)
Word count: 24,700+
Summary: Clark and Lex get genderswapped. Real life ensues.
Warnings: Un-beta'd. Genderswap fic (a.k.a. female!Clark and female!Lex). Some weirdness and confusion involving sex and sexuality, as a matter of course. ...It belatedly occurs to me that I should also warn for PTSD and chemical torture.
Disclaimer: Not mine, not-for-profit.
Comments: Yes, please! :)
Author's Note: So, yeah, this happened. Still. ...Ah, well!
Written for the
Clexmas Spring Fling 2012 -- Changes, Prompt: Changes of Gender.
Posted to
clexmas here (Part 1 starts
here). Also
posted to AO3 (with the whole shebang starting