a.k.a. my "aw, screw it!" post for now, as I have been too lazy to copy over and backdate my fic for the past month when I was planning to this week (among all the multitudinous other things I also haven't gotten done this past week, erg :-/ )
So, without further ado...!
The "AU 'Verse of Nicnac's The Friendship Plan" series: (
read her series first)
"Plan C-and-three-quarters" and
"Family Outings of Being A Good Family plans (Unabridged Log)" (the first is complete, the second is ongoing, but nominally at a stopping point, no cliffy)
"Horror, Unimaginable", which admittedly needs some work because I didn't do any research before posting, really, completed fic though a rewrite will be coming sometime/eventually, tagline: "...Because really, after what Lionel did with Helen, how else would he top that?"
Cotton Candy Bingo Ficlets:
series link here, are a bunch of light and fluffy Clark+Lex fics, currently includes "A New Day", "I Don't Think So", "...And Sometimes Lex Just Needs A Hug", "Lex And His Plans", "So a man walks into a bar...", "Random Luthor Villainy, Take One"
"Monster Under The Bed" -- a post-Avengers 2012 movie crack!fic starring the entire Avengers gang + Loki (no Clex here!), complete, tagline: "Loki hides. Thor finds him. Monsters ensue. ...The Avengers are not pleased with this development."
"...And Sometimes The World Just Conspires Against You", complete, first in a series, tagline: "Lex Luthor is the president-elect. He holds a party to celebrate this. Zatanna shows up. ...Yeah, it goes downhill from there."
"Rose Potter -- The-Girl-Who-Lived", WIP, ongoing, a girl!Harry Potter story I'm writing because Nicnac challenged me to bring it on ;), tagline is pretty much as given here ^_^
...and that's it as of 2012-09-22 at 7:07pm EST. Yay.