Wait....did someone in the government not see the movie The Day After Tomorrow?
I just saw it for the first time and it's argument makes perfect sense. The plot is about global warming causing the polar ice caps to melt there by changing the cocentration of fresh/salt water in the ocean. This caused the North Atlantic Current to stop flowing. This current is what maintains our climate by moving warm water from the equator around our planet. Without this current our climate would change violently. Because I just read, through the BBC, that the U.S. is not going to sign the Kyoto Protocol for years! The Kyoto Protocol is a drastic attack on the problem of global warming.
Here's the media story:
Original BBC Story 12/7/04 and a quote:
"The chief American negotiator at the conference in Argentina's capital Buenos
Aires ruled out any move to sign up to the Kyoto Protocol for years.
He told reporters that efforts to cut emissions were based on bad science.
The US was focused instead, he said, on implementing President George W Bush's
plans to promote energy efficiency. "
We are going to trust a man who can't run a war determine what could happen to our planet!