This is my attempt at starting my lj. I've been lurking quietly for quite a while, inhaling any slash fic I can get my hands on (I used to read het... But then again, I used to read Twilight. I do neither now xD). At the moment I'm obsessed with Inception and Arthur/Eames. *starry eyes* *swoons*
Eh... Ahem. *cough*
So. I like Harry/Draco too, and I liked Harry/Cedric but that's such a rarepair I couldn't find them anywhere, so I let that one drop. Hmm, let me see... Oh, right! Arthur/Merlin is awesome too *grins*
I've always had a kink for the Arthurian Legends and Merlin is so awesome I can't even XD
This is a strictly fandom only journal for the maybe two people who will ever read this (I feel pathetic now, okay *sniffles*), because my friends and family would be scarred for life and so scandalized they would kick me out, so yeah. Not gonna happen.
You're welcome to friend me, as soon as I determine you're no-one I know I'll friend you back ;) I should warn you: I'm not very interesting or anything, but I like to think I'm a nice person. I won't bite your head off :D