Title: An Enduring Fate (1/?)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Will/Rachel
Spoilers: Through A Very Glee Christmas
Disclaimer: All things Glee belong to Ryan Murphy and Fox. I’m just borrowing them.
Summary: Life is a series of starts and stops.
A/N: My first multi-chapter Glee story. Please let me know what you think and if it is worth continuing
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Comments 10
And let's talk about the character work. There are so many passages that I'd quote at you, but I'll narrow it down, some.
“No, it’s not,” he insisted, “I never should have yelled at you like that and especially not in front of the group. I know you have been having a hard time lately.”
“It’s okay. I was being difficult. I realize that,” she replied, focusing on an ornament in front of her.Your dialogue is always fantastic (and in character), but I especially loved this section. Will and Rachel always lash out in a big, misguided way, but you can also tell how quickly they regret it, as well as the knowledge that they are, overall, reasonable people. This bit of the conversation just seems like the perfect follow-up to that scene. As well as the fact that Will had to take the first step to apologize ( ... )
This bit of the conversation just seems like the perfect follow-up to that scene. As well as the fact that Will had to take the first step to apologize.
Thank you. I felt like the blow up they had needed to be addressed and I wish it had been on the show. Everything between them seemed totally okay by the next episode, with Rachel even inviting him to her house for Christmas Eve. They had to have discussed it and I wish would could have seen it. They have had so few scenes together this season and it so disappointing.
PERFECT. Seriously, this is EXACTLY what I've been waiting to see, both on TV (ACTUAL Rachel development on the show, rather than Rachel Relationship development? Never.) and in fanfic. In fact, I'm working on a Rachel essay, in which I reference almost exactly this. You phrased it beautifully, and it was a very realistic, in character truth to serve as a catalyst of sharing between Will and ( ... )
“Rachel, you know you can always come to me if you need to talk. I’ll always be here for you.” - I really like how you've given Rachel an ally in Mr Schue, she needs someone on her side ( ... )
I was actually happy too about Shelby getting a second chance to be a mom with Beth. But I hated how everything played out with Rachel. I can't imagine she's not troubled by the turn of events. In other words, I'm glad you liked this part and the story as a whole. :)
I should have the next chapter up this weekend!
Also side note: I adore your icon. I love LOST and and Claire and Charlie were just fantastic together.
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