Title: An Enduring Fate (2/?)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Will/Rachel
Spoilers: Through A Very Glee Christmas
Disclaimer: All things Glee belong to Ryan Murphy and Fox. I’m just borrowing them.
Summary: Life is a series of starts and stops.
A/N: Thank you everyone for your reviews. They really do motivate me to write more; so, please continue to
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Comments 9
Can't wait to read more!
Hopefully, I will have the next chapter up this weekend. (If real life doesn't get in the way)
(Now that my begging is over) I'll tell you all the things I loved about this.
First of all, I love the way this is coming about between them; it's slow, and (fairly) steady, and quite neat, considering. I know it can't be all smooth sailing ahead, and I really like how you've set it up, so that when the shit hits the fan it will be even more detrimental to them.
I absolutely love Will in this chapter. He's the perfect in character combination of romantic, immature, sweet, caring and a little selfish. As well, I absolutely love how you write Rachel. There are little lines you write for her that are very real, and such subtle signs that she's hurting, and I think that is very true to Rachel.
When she finally calmed down, she pulled away from him, smoothed down his shirt and thanked him quietly before turning and walking out of ( ... )
First of all, I love the way this is coming about between them; it's slow, and (fairly) steady, and quite neat, considering. I know it can't be all smooth sailing ahead, and I really like how you've set it up, so that when the shit hits the fan it will be even more detrimental to them.I'm happy to see this comment about the pacing. There are definitely going to be some obstacles and problems ahead for them but it was really important to me that I take the time to build their relationship and feelings and strengthen the bond between them. I've had a couple people worried that things are going to be all sunshine and rainbows and I thought with the title, summary and last line in this chapter it was clear that things ( ... )
You have a real gift for getting into the heads and voices of "people" created by other writers, and seamlessly blending them into scenarios outside the world of "Glee by Fox." That is a rare talent, and I am incredibly grateful to have found it/you! And I think I'm more anxious to see where this story goes than where the next few episodes of Glee take us ... :D
I have to refer back to the comment by hermiones twin: I too have "been there, kinda done that." Do you suppose that's why this pairing is so appealing to us? I'm finding out W/R is not the most shipped pair in the Gleeverse, but those of us who do ship them seem more intensely invested - I consider them to be my OTP - than shippers of most of the other Glee pairs (w/the exception of Santanny, perhaps ( ... )
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