I personally say since your mom wouldn't let you out that much anyway, keep working and save up. I guarantee you you'll want that money later on. Especially if you plan on moving out (which I don't know if you are or not). Use your time at school to keep up with your friends and if you get any spare time, that'd work too. Keep in touch with non-school friends online or over the phone.
After your senior year, most people drift apart. It may not be that way in your case, but it often is. I talk to my best senior friends MAYBE once every 3-4 months, with the exception of my best friend since 4th grade and my 2nd best friend since Kindergarten who moved away in 4th grade. But that's irrelevant.
Comments 4
After your senior year, most people drift apart. It may not be that way in your case, but it often is. I talk to my best senior friends MAYBE once every 3-4 months, with the exception of my best friend since 4th grade and my 2nd best friend since Kindergarten who moved away in 4th grade. But that's irrelevant.
im just havin trouble, and tryin to figure out what i REALLY want to do in these up coming years. =/
your mom = my mom
their evil is equivalent.
keep workin hard. I'll see ya round when Im in town!
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