west wing. c.j./josh (however, josh/joey romantically), analysis. pg. for pinkinks "Is it weird with Kenny there," she whispers. a/n: Hey getting to the alphabet prompts. I'm back… even though I never told anyone I was leaving. For that I apologize.
Toby/Andy. WW. G. Toby doesn't believe in déjà vu, just making the same mistake twice Rust ridden attempts, my friends. I did want to get this feeling out of my body though.
west wing. sam, c.j. and letters. g. for annapie "If she closes her eyes she can just about taste the salt on her lips - the sun burning her cheeks." a/n: I have another (very) different version of this story. If I can polish it, I'll post it.
Below is a listing of the alphabet. Please comment with a letter of your choice (that has yet to be chosen), a word that starts with that letter, and a fandom character/pairing. I will then attempt to write a fic from the word and pairing you choose.
west wing. c.j., josh, crackpots and these women. g. "he feels like they're in a room full of ghosts" for pythiaprophet: forgive me I am soooo rusty. (title is stolen)
a/n: I believe I owe this to pythiaprophet who, about a million years ago, wanted "five times Adama and Roslin loved each other" (mind you this was a million years ago so the prompt has been loosely interpreted.) I hope you find it true and beautiful girl ♥