Title: Why is this a game of charades?
Rating: G
Characters: C.J. + Josh [dialogue]
Summary: "So, you and Simon, eh?"
Notes: Part of a bunch of C.J./Simon fics using prompts from otp_100 even though I'm not actually participating in it. For the curious ones, this is for "#002: Couple". Enjoy.
"So, you and Simon, eh?"
"Josh, if you don't get out my office and mean right now…"
"Alright, easy now, I can take a hint."
"I don't think you can."
"Wow, did someone ride in on the menstrual steamboat or what?"
"Can I help you, Joshua?"
"Naw, not really. Can I do anything for you Mrs. Donovan?"
"Yeah, get out of my office and my business and go do, gee, I don't know, your job maybe?"
"I can only do two of those things."
"This is ridiculous."
"You want me gone, answer the question."
A sigh. "Fine. Yes. Yes Josh, Simon and I are a thing, a couple, in an intimate relationship, whatever your pea sized brain prefers. And because I know that you will bring this up; yes the sex is fabulous."
"Whoa, okay, I'm out. Jesus C.J."
"I'm glad you can take a hint!"