Title: [untitled]
Paring: C.J./Simon [C.J. POV]
Rating: gee
Spoilers: The Black Vera Wang
Notes: Oh man, C.J. POV. I don't really know what brought this on but I'm thinking about doing this for We Killed Yamamoto and Posse Comitatus (only with more plot). However I am a little wary as I feel this is totally out of character :x.
The snap of the door opening sends a jolt through my body and my head whips up. Of course it's him. The body guard, looking all composed and tough, leaves me feeling foolish and irritation colors my face.
"Knocking's always a good idea," I mumble before addressing my problem. "Yes?"
"Dress shopping. With Hogan."
I'm surprised 'duh' doesn't tumble out of his mouth at the end.
"Yeah," I say shrugging. "What about it?"
"Shouldn't we be going?"
My eyes flick to the time my laptop displays, "Crap!"
In my haste, I trip over my own two feet while crossing the room to where he stands and though his face is stoic I could have sworn I saw him smirk to stifle a laugh.
"I know you said you don't like taffeta, but what do you think?"
"I think it's great except for the taffeta. Do you like this?"
"A little too pink."
I can feel Simon hovering, that's all I can think about. Him hovering. And listening. He's listening and hovering and here I am with my niece at Barney's looking at Junior Prom dresses. Unconsciously I start pawing at a rack, trying not to say anything embarrassing. Trying to act my own damn age.
"Aunt C.J. stop looking at the Vera Wang's."
Looking up I see the labels, and really, I should have exclaimed "WHAT?" because let's face it, I had no clue I was looking straight into a rack of gorgeous, expensive gowns that cost at least a months salary. I have to play this one off.
"'Cause they cost at least a months salary."
Good one Claudia Jean. Way to pull it off and have everyone in the store calculating your wage.
"But I'm the cool aunt and this is what I do."
Hogan laughs and turns her head leaving me to flush and go back to my "searching". This time it pays off.
"Look at this," I pull it out to show off. "Good gracious. Black silk couture gown."
Hogan cocks her pretty little blond head at me as I gawk.
"I have to be five eleven to look good in that."
Right. We came here for Hogan, but man alive do I want this.
"As luck would have it that is my height exactly."
She laughs, thank god, and tells me, "Go ahead."
"Thank you," I grin.
In my peripheral I search for Simon, I'm moving so he should be too, and I can see him make eye contact. Panicked I look at the rack again for a distraction, announcing:
"I'm just going to take this one too."
The dress I pick at random is something that looks a lot like what I wore to the State Dinner, gray and flat. Hopefully this one won't stop at the ankles.
You think by now department stores would get it, but dressing rooms are still claustrophobic, unflattering places. Zipping up the back of the black gown I realize I should have called Hogan over to do it for me, but I am surprised my own flexibility. Looking into the narrow mirror I smooth the front of the dress out and admire my figure. I then flex my arm a bit, admiring the muscles, and smirk. I could easily run along side moving cars.
I can hear Simon and Hogan sharing a hushed conversation now. How long have they been talking? What could they possibly be talking about? Taking in a sharp breath I decide now is a good time to go find out.
Only it's not good at all.
It's awkward.
Not only am I standing in high priced evening wear, but I appear to have intruded on some kind of moment. This all passes in what seems like a fraction of a second before Hogan pipes up changing the atmosphere instantaneously.
"Aunt C.J., you're not going to believe this…"
I no longer feel awkward but angry. They're sharing secrets now!
"Hogan, we're going to tell her another time, okay?"
Hey wait a minute when the hell did I become the niece?
"Okay," she agrees softly.
"Is Simon bothering you?" 'Cause he sure is bothering the hell out of me!
I'm glaring at Simon now, "If he is, if he ever does, I want you to shriek at the top of you lungs, okay?"
I do a quick twirl to show off the dress not that anyone is paying attention.
A few days have passed since Barney's but I haven't forgotten that little moment between Simon and my niece Hogan. I haven't and I won't until it's explained.
I'm ready to call it a day when Simon hands me over to Jamie. I give the other man a quick smile.
"This is Dawson, 8:09. I've got Flamingo," he relays.
"Hey Jamie. Could you give us a second," I ask.
"Yes ma'am."
I usher Simon into my office and shut the door, walking behind my desk. I feel better behind it when I talk to him. It keeps me from doing dangerous things like touching him, kissing him--kissing and touching him. Or, if it's a good day, strangling him whilst kissing.
"What were you and Hogan talking about that you would tell me later?"
"I was on Eagle's protection detail in Rosslyn."
It hits me like a ton of bricks, like a semi hitting me at a million miles an hour, it knocks the wind from me. It's kills me. I feel bad now. I feel bad for being so damn difficult. He doesn't deserve all that and it's probably way too late to even change this. Then again I wouldn't be floundering so bad with his rules and regulations if he was so charming.
I realize I haven't said anything.
"Oh. I didn't know."
I wish I would have said something he didn't already know but to my surprise he doesn't recoil, not remembering to be protector.
"No, it's just…"
"Thank you," I blurt out.
"I'm sorry?"
He's taken by… surprise? I'm that ungrateful?
"I just said, 'thank you'."
We look at each other and I consider rolling out 'I think I love you', but I keep that in the brain box and try to keep his gaze as long as possible. Our shields are gone and it's a nicer, much more comfortable change. Would it be weird to hug this man? To show him how unbelievable thankful I am for his shooting ability.
And just like that, like me walking out of the dressing room, it's awkward and the shields are back up.
"Well, I should get going," I say starting for the door.
"Have a good night."
I turn and tell him "good night" before finally leaving convinced that there is a part of me completely in love with him.