new jersey

Sep 01, 2004 02:35

I think my life changed on the new jersey turnpike. Its funny how clear life becomes trapped in a car with no exits in sight in the middle of a raging hurricane. Lucidity can be so fickle. My mom and my sister had dates with the sandman and while my dad stayed barely awake to perform simple motor ( as in car ) functions, I was engrossed in my ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

coated_dreams September 1 2004, 12:57:00 UTC
that was beautiful.

& i'd love to come along for the ride.


daym... ameenicole September 1 2004, 14:54:30 UTC
daym joyce...your always soo deep...

write a book...and i bet it'll be a best doubt...

good to have you back home... :D


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