Ninja! Author: Ladelle Pairing: Naru-Sasu-Naru Genre: Humor, Parody Summary: In the real world, Naruto tries his darnedest to convince Sasuke that yes, he is indeed a ninja. ( Click to Read :D )
I lol'd all over the place. I love the way you write their friendship/banter/interactions, so sooo much. As I was reading, I kept making mental notes of all these lines I wanted to quote as my favorite. XP In the end, I tried to narrow it down:
looking much like a magician that expected the object behind his hands to turn into something miraculous and unexpected. Like logic.
And every bit of Sasuke's reaction to the kiss just made me asldfjd;adjf!! <3
Comments 8
looking much like a magician that expected the object behind his hands to turn into something miraculous and unexpected. Like logic.
And every bit of Sasuke's reaction to the kiss just made me asldfjd;adjf!! <3
(lol, ninjas vs. pirates never gets old to me)
I was pretty proud of that line, myself. B) I don't have clever moment soften, hahaha.
naruto was so, so naruto and sasuke...poor guy!
your just so creative and that ending-> epicness^^
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How are you doing? <3
The interaction between the two boys flowed smoothly without a hitch, and I almost bought his (Naruto's) act up until the very end.
...And now I've got to go grocery shopping. I guess I really can't put that off any more now lololol.
Thank you! Naruto was super funny in this. :D I cracked myself up writing it.
Thank you for reading!
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