I am thoroughly exhausted. It may have something to do with the fact that I've had to take TWO lots of codeine today just to cope with sudden flare-ups of stomach pain and they're kinda messing with me, just a bit.
Health-wise I thought I was going so well. Excepting the part where my stomach rebelled at coming off the antacids back in November. But hey, got back on them, stomach settled down and pain seemed to be history. Until now.
And to be honest. I blame stress for that more than my diet as I have made severe changes to my diet over the last few months (hello, coca cola gone bye-bye, just as an example) and tried my best to be good and take my medication on a regular basis (which, when you work shifts with irregular breaks is NOT as easy as you may think).
But onto the stress thing. Today at work was just one of those days where all the little tiny things that I usually try to shrug off and not sweat all just piled up and just got to me. It basically got to the stage where there was either going to be a bloodbath of epic proportions or I was going to wind up a hysterical mess.
Things like:
-Being the last person to be listened to and the first one to be blamed.
-Being mocked by other Crew Trainers for trying to do my job (e.g letting the back team how many cars are in drive thru and having them say mockingly 'oh cheers for that Caitlin' in a really false voice).
-Working my ass off while others stood around and pretended to work while they were in actual fact gossiping.
-Trying to run kitchen and just starting to get it under control when I'm kicked off the job by another Crew Trainer - this makes me angry and makes me feel as though the Shift Supervisor doesn't feel that I'm doing a good job.
Well, you all get the idea. So thanks to the stress-ville that was my shift, by 3pm I am in screaming agony in the stomach department (which as you can imagine did WONDERS for my mood). So I snuck off and took some codeine. Which did nothing for the pain, but managed to take the worst edge off the stress. Weird.
I am just so sick of that place right now. Upper management loves me to bits, but the shift supervisors and other crew trainers seem to think I'm an overachieving bitch who they can use as a human band-aid. And it sucks. It really really sucks.
What's more is tomorrow I have the National Training Manager from Head Office coming in to assess how I train people. This is a big deal as it's part of what they're doing to decide who is going to be the Crew Trainer of the Year for last year. So I'm really nervous about the whole thing as she is going to pretend to be a total newbie and I will have 20mins to train her competently on the fries station.
It's kinda a big deal as I am the only one out of all the stores that Justin owns to be nominated.
Plus on the list of shit to do tomorrow, I have to call Central Rentals because there is something wrong with our fridge - it's not refrigerating. Our freezer isn't freezing either, which leads me to believe that the thermostat might be fucked.
Fun and games.
At this rate I'm not even going to be able to drink at my own engagement party, owing to stomach ulcers and the fact that they and alcohol generally don't mix too well.
Anyway, I'm going to go to bed as according to Carl, I have a tension headache (surprise, surprise) so I'm going to read and then try and get some sleep.