As of today, this community will be member-locked.
This community is member-locked. That means you'll have to join the community to be able to see the entries.
However, membership is completely open at the moment, so just click the join button and you're automatically accepted!
Joining this community will give you access to our subs, but it does not grant you posting access. Only selected moderators are allowed to post our subs. If you'd like to share something else, please go ahead on the groups respective communities!
By joining the community, you agree to follow the rules below.
- DON'T UPLOAD OUR FILES TO STREAMING SITES LIKE YOUTUBE, DAILYMOTION, CRUNCHYROLL, KISSASIAN, etc. Seriously. Just don't. It has made fansubbers quit their work before.
- If you want to share our files outside this community, do not hotlink. Give a link to the Jounetsu_8 entry instead of a direct link to the file. Also, please let us know when you want to do this because we want to keep track of our files.
- Don't re-upload our files and claim them as your own.
- Obviously, don't sell or re-distribute our work in any way.
- Please leave a comment if you download any of our work.
- Please do not ask us to provide the raws or anything else not related to our subs. We're a subbing community.
Unfortuantely requests are closed until further notice. We try to sub whatever we can but we can't make any promises.
In case our softsubs don't display properly, download and install
this font and
this font!
For the songs in our older subs (released in or before 2013), it's
this font and
this font!
For other fonts, please check the respective posts or get the hardsubs instead!
To join split files (.001, .002, .003, etc.) use
HJSplit or similar software.
Here's a manual.
If you still have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us through a comment here, or send a PM to
However, if you want to contact us, make sure your PM settings are set to public so we can PM you back!
Jounetsu_8 team