[INFORMATION] crediting

Feb 17, 2006 10:28

Some people have mentioned to me that they don't know how to credit and would like to, so here is a little tutorial to show how :D

I myself am not going to beat you if you don't credit me ( mint ) because a majority of the icon's I've posted here are super simple. But there are many, many icon artists out there that will kill you if you don't, so it's probably good to go ahead and learn how, plus, it's a nice gesture.


So let's say I found an icon I like:

1) So, what do I do first? I see that the entry with the icon was made my elite_jounin so okay, I know the icon maker.
2) Okay, I want to upload this, so I'll head over to "Your Userpics". ( quick link )
3) Okay! You upload the icon. You can go ahead and put in the credits, or wait.
Here is an example of how to credit now:

4) Click "Proceed".
5) OR, if you want to wait until after you upload, you can credit like this:

You add the name that you want to be able to find the icon by under your "keywords". This is what shows up when you're commenting to someone/updating, and want to pick an icon to use.

You add the username of the icon maker in the "Comment".


6) Save! And you're done.

Grabbing an icon by someone else in jounins? Here are the quick html to C&P :) Adding on jounins is not required, but makes things easier :)

For samuraiblues: (was ffyunie)


For romantica:


For queenship: (was coordinator/elite_jounin)


For mint:


→ If you are using bases from the community, you MUST list the user who made the icon in your resources or in the post. Why? Images the icons are made from are always listed in the resources post made here. We did not make the animes/take pictures of jpop singers ourselves, so the credit belongs to the sites the images are from which usually tell where they get their images from. Please understand this.
→ Please do not steal "styles" that iconers may come up with here.

You must credit for mood themes, especially since they take a very long time to make. To credit for a mood theme either list it in your userinfo, or add it into a resources post & link that to the userinfo or an entry that is easy to find on your journal ( one of the first few you can see ). If you are F.O. you can link it in your F.O. post for example ( many people will see this ).

You must credit for textures. To credit for a texture either list it in your userinfo, or add it into a resources post & link that to the userinfo or an entry that is easy to find on your journal ( one of the first few you can see ). If you are F.O. you can link it in your F.O. post for example ( many people will see this ).

You must credit for colorbars. All colorbars posted here come with some kind of HTML for you to post it up with -- these usually have the link back to the entry. You should keep this link on the colorbar, but if you'd like you can remove the link and just put the user who made it.

You must credit for layouts, especially since they take a very long time to make. To credit for a layout either list it in your userinfo, or add it into a resources post & link that to the userinfo or an entry that is easy to find on your journal ( one of the first few you can see ). If you are F.O. you can link it in your F.O. post for example ( many people will see this ). If the layout has a sidebar, you may also credit from there.


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