Title: One morning Pairirng: Pida Raiting: PG-13 Genre: fluff Beta: kat_h_chan Summary: Too short for a summary!^^ A/N: It's really, really, really short and pointless!!!
India seems to be a beatiful country ! ... Somewhere sunny x) *is cold* Glad you enjoyed your holidays !
And your fic is cute~ :3 Pida is such a sweet pair !! Well... It's true that it was a little short but, anyway, it doesn't matter to me if it's good ! Good work :D !
They are so cute together <3 Lately I'm really shipping in this pairing, I'd like to write with them, too *____* Ahh, that would have been so hot between them, under the shower *__* And I like how you imagined their relationship, as they always fight for the topping.
Thank you for it, it was perfect to my breakfast <3
Thank you for the nice comment! <3 Yes, yes, yes, write them, too! :D I love the pairing but there are defenately not enough fics around! :D :D I'd be glad to read your Pida fic! xD I'm glad I made your breakfast? xDDD
It's great that there are actually quite many people who like Pida...that makes me somewhat happy!^^ I'm thinking of writing a Pida multichapter soon...I just want to write more and longer Pida! ;) Thanks for reading and commenting! <3
Comments 34
And your fic is cute~ :3 Pida is such a sweet pair !! Well... It's true that it was a little short but, anyway, it doesn't matter to me if it's good !
Good work :D !
Thanks :) I recently have a thing for Pida because of their sweetness and everything...I might write more about them!
So sweet~!!!!!
Thank you!
THanks for reading and commenting! <3
*pats head*
Ahh, that would have been so hot between them, under the shower *__* And I like how you imagined their relationship, as they always fight for the topping.
Thank you for it, it was perfect to my breakfast <3
Yes, yes, yes, write them, too! :D I love the pairing but there are defenately not enough fics around! :D :D I'd be glad to read your Pida fic! xD
I'm glad I made your breakfast? xDDD
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I'm thinking of writing a Pida multichapter soon...I just want to write more and longer Pida! ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting! <3
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French? Well, my English ist certainly better, but I might try out reading that. Normally it should work...^^
Ah that's great! That encourages me to write it! xD
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