(no subject)

Apr 14, 2004 03:11

Veiw what my stupid friends do when they think I'm not looking...

 Accessdenied9529:  okay. im bored
Yer mom wasgreaT:  ?
Accessdenied9529:  entertain me.
Accessdenied9529:  nevermind then
Accessdenied9529:  i thought you were jordan
Yer mom wasgreaT:  ?
Yer mom wasgreaT:  this is
Yer mom wasgreaT:  who is thios
Accessdenied9529:  im an a friend oh justene

Yer mom wasgreaT:  damn you
Yer mom wasgreaT:  whores!!
Accessdenied9529:  i know
Yer mom wasgreaT:  blah
Yer mom wasgreaT:  blah
Yer mom wasgreaT:  blah
Accessdenied9529:  thank you for the nice-o compliment
Yer mom wasgreaT:  NY TIME
Yer mom wasgreaT:  biyatch!
Accessdenied9529:  huh?
Yer mom wasgreaT:  any
Yer mom wasgreaT:  time
Yer mom wasgreaT:  nigger
Accessdenied9529:  its like 4 in the morning in NY?
Accessdenied9529:  im not black!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Accessdenied9529:  you are!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  i dont care
Yer mom wasgreaT:  your stil a nigger
Yer mom wasgreaT:  but wait...
Accessdenied9529:  aw...... how sweeeeeeeeet
Yer mom wasgreaT:  ur not good enough to be a full nigger
Yer mom wasgreaT:  youre just a little niglet
Accessdenied9529:  ive ne ver heard that one before!
Accessdenied9529:  that was funny
Yer mom wasgreaT:  my niglet...
Yer mom wasgreaT:  my niglet
Accessdenied9529:  alksdjf arrrrrrrrrr!
Accessdenied9529:  stop!!!1
Accessdenied9529:  no more laughy!
Accessdenied9529:  no more laughy!
Accessdenied9529:  LAUGHY!!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  a;lfdkjasf;lajsfl;kasjf
Yer mom wasgreaT:  al;kdfja;sjfd
Yer mom wasgreaT:  lkasdjf;ljf
Yer mom wasgreaT:  fuck off
Yer mom wasgreaT:  asshole
Accessdenied9529:  whats that supposed to mean?
Accessdenied9529:  bicyle!!!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  i want to ride my BICICLE
Yer mom wasgreaT:  bicycle
Accessdenied9529:  i want to ride it where i like!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  shitchea
Accessdenied9529:  i think i heard a door slam!
Accessdenied9529:  ARGRGRGRG!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  no
Yer mom wasgreaT:  it was my dick cumming
Accessdenied9529:  the bad bad men are coming to rape and kill justene!
Accessdenied9529:  with turtles!
Accessdenied9529:  save the turtles!!!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  no
Yer mom wasgreaT:  save all the mooses
Accessdenied9529:  ARG!!!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  u kno....ive always wanted to kno the plural of moose
Accessdenied9529:  thats not cool!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  i have the belief
Yer mom wasgreaT:  that its
Yer mom wasgreaT:  meese
Accessdenied9529:  my mom got to see and coolness band and stuff tonight
Yer mom wasgreaT:  bah
Accessdenied9529:  AERG!
Accessdenied9529:  DONT SAY BAH!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  theres a meese stampede ahead!
Accessdenied9529:  only bad peoplke i know say NAH!
Accessdenied9529:  BAH!*
Yer mom wasgreaT:  wild meese!
Accessdenied9529:  meese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yer mom wasgreaT:  meese
Accessdenied9529:  have you ever got stuck in a room with a moose???
Accessdenied9529:  it was scary!
Accessdenied9529:  i have!
Accessdenied9529:  it had walnuts!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  i havent
Yer mom wasgreaT:  but justene has
Accessdenied9529:  the crunching!!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  ask her about it
Accessdenied9529:  the crunching!!!!!! i can still hear it in my sleep!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  EVERY NIGHT
Accessdenied9529:  every night she said
Yer mom wasgreaT:  SHE SLEEPS WITH IT
Yer mom wasgreaT:  the moose's name is sam
Accessdenied9529:  she just told me that she likes to do bad bad things with it
Accessdenied9529:  BAD THINGS!!!!!!!!!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hes quite a pimp-esque moose
Accessdenied9529:  i can see that
Accessdenied9529:  she showed it to me once
Accessdenied9529:  he kind of looked like her brother.
Accessdenied9529:  bam...sam.. same difference.
Yer mom wasgreaT:  figures
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hahahhahaha
Yer mom wasgreaT:  of course
Accessdenied9529:  hehehe

Accessdenied9529:  fun!
Accessdenied9529:  movie!
Accessdenied9529:  you know. im really not this weird.

Accessdenied9529:  im quite... unweird in real life
Accessdenied9529:  sort of
Yer mom wasgreaT:  sure....
Accessdenied9529:  amanda likes to snort sprinkles
Accessdenied9529:  that explains a lot doesnt it
Accessdenied9529:  she vacuums them up like a freaking.... vacuum
Accessdenied9529:  off the floor
Yer mom wasgreaT:  cool
Yer mom wasgreaT:  ive snorted that pixie dust candy b4
Yer mom wasgreaT:  burns like a bitch...
Accessdenied9529:  really. ive snorted sugar before... but that was kind of an accident. i was eating it and a laughed and i breathed in real fast and as i did all of the sugar went up my nose
Accessdenied9529:  hellllllooooooo.... gooooodbye
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hahahaha
Accessdenied9529:  justene is weirder than amanda and i put together and baked into a pie
Accessdenied9529:  oph shit
Accessdenied9529:  i just made a rime
Accessdenied9529:  fuck
Yer mom wasgreaT:  my cousin choked on a grain of rice
Accessdenied9529:  N OOOOO
Accessdenied9529:  how///
Yer mom wasgreaT:  lol
Accessdenied9529:  ???*
Yer mom wasgreaT:  it was cool
Accessdenied9529:  amanda choked on a peice of chicken, gave herself the hym...lic, regurgitated and then ate the food she just threw up again...
Accessdenied9529:  its really gross to watch her do that when one is trying to eat
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hahhhhhahahahahha
Yer mom wasgreaT:  I LOVE YOU
Accessdenied9529:  who me or justene?
Yer mom wasgreaT:  you
Yer mom wasgreaT:  the one who is lookin at the screen
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hey! y did u hang up!!
Accessdenied9529:  am i looking that the screen
Yer mom wasgreaT:  >:o
Accessdenied9529:  she says the phone disconnected
Accessdenied9529:  and to call her back... niglet
Yer mom wasgreaT:  HOE
Yer mom wasgreaT:  BITCH NIGGY
Accessdenied9529:  hoebag!
Accessdenied9529:  QUESOBRAIN!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  asfdk;lj
Accessdenied9529:  ass sometimes fuck dark kargeroos; livejournal?
Yer mom wasgreaT:  wtf
Yer mom wasgreaT:  ahaahaha
Accessdenied9529:  yeah. you heard me
Yer mom wasgreaT:  boom dawg nigger  face cunt slash scrotum
Accessdenied9529:  asses*
Accessdenied9529:  sorry. that was the incorrect password.
Accessdenied9529:  fucking try agiaASL;DJGF!
Accessdenied9529:  AGAIN*
Yer mom wasgreaT:  you are the weakest link
Yer mom wasgreaT:  GOOD BYE
Accessdenied9529:  lol
Yer mom wasgreaT:  she is the book store owner at our school
Accessdenied9529:  do what the bitch told you to do!!!!!!!!!!
Accessdenied9529:  hit the keyboard and try again!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  
Accessdenied9529:  hey, you wouldnt be the first person to hate justene.
Accessdenied9529:  join the fucking club
Yer mom wasgreaT:  wats the password to enter the clubhouse
Accessdenied9529:  hit the keyboard and find out
Yer mom wasgreaT:  is it...
Accessdenied9529:  hehehe she knows my secret
Yer mom wasgreaT:  idFUCKjusteneinthebutthole
Accessdenied9529:  PROTECT THE QUESO!!!!!!!!!
Accessdenied9529:  REALLY!?!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  BRING BACK ELIAN!
Accessdenied9529:  i think he brother already had
Accessdenied9529:  s
Accessdenied9529:  *has*
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hahahaha
Accessdenied9529:  i meant fucked her in the as
Accessdenied9529:  ass
Accessdenied9529:  hole
Accessdenied9529:  yeah she does
Accessdenied9529:  dont believe her
Accessdenied9529:  she loves it
Accessdenied9529:  it turns her on
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hahahaha
Accessdenied9529:  hahahahaha is right...
Yer mom wasgreaT:  of course
Yer mom wasgreaT:  she loves that dirty talk
Accessdenied9529:  ye ah
Yer mom wasgreaT:  i give it to her right now
Accessdenied9529:  on the phone?
Accessdenied9529:  how!
Yer mom wasgreaT:  i just did it
Yer mom wasgreaT:  hahahahaha
Accessdenied9529:  what is she whating about!
Accessdenied9529:  (she's jealous...)
Accessdenied9529:  whore
Accessdenied9529:  shes a whore
Accessdenied9529:  what a whore
Accessdenied9529:  she hung up on you
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT:  yea
Yer mom wasgreaT signed off at 2:11 AM

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