Have you ever had one of those times where you just wanted to kick yourself in the booty?
Yeah, I had one of those times today. They suck.
I'm working 5 nights a week at Books A Million. 4-close everynight. That means I'm not home until at the esrliest 12:30, but I can never just come home and go straight to bed, I have to let my mind shut off. I have english at 8:00 in the morning on MWF. So Wednesday and Friday I ended up oversleeping. Yes two classes in a row. I set my alarm, just didn't hear it. I'm a heavy sleeper. Well I was mad at myself then, but when I checked my syllabus it didn't look like I missed anything so I thought maybe I wasn't going to be too behind. But today when I get to class (finally) I realize that I missed a quiz and she took up our journals. And of course our syllabus has in big bold letters "no journals will be accepted late and no quizzes will be made up." Errrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Guess I just have to do really good on everything else, and buy a really really really loud alarm.
Besides that, everything is pretty ok. Working more than I've worked before. We are really short on people at BAM so they have everyone working like crazy. Oh well, I think next week it shouldn't be so bad.
I'm off Friday, woohoo! and so is Evan. It will be strange to have almost a full day (after classes) to do whatever. We are probably going to go see a football game and eat pizza. I think I'll be craving pizza on Friday.
I need to be craving celery sticks. I have my dress for Adam and Meleah's wedding and I quite like it. Just hope to lose a couple of pounds instead of gaining them before the wedding.
Anyway, I'm going to read/nap before work. Probably more of the latter.