Cured....? Part 6

Oct 20, 2007 12:38

This is a follow on from Quarantine, a completely AU fic and "Giant Porn Fest", the index for which can be found here

He awoke slowly, stiff, sore and confused. He had no idea how he had gotten here but he seemed to be lying on the floor on the TARDIS console room. His head hurt, his neck was really stiff and he ached in so many places. And the reason why… he had no idea. He couldn’t remember anything. The Master sat up slowly, his clothes feeling slightly wrong, as though someone else had dressed him, and looked across the room. The Doctor appeared to be asleep on the chair, his feet propped up against the console and a broken mug of tea smashed on the grill beneath him. Drugged? Had they been drugged? But then where were they? He staggered slightly and was about to make his way over to the door when it burst open and Jack came in, gun out and pointed straight at him. The Master groaned and leaned against the railing heavily. Oh shit.

“Hold it right there.” He stood still, hands resting on the railing as Jack ran over to the doctor. “Doctor? Doc, come on, wake up!” The Doctor shifted sleepily and snuggled back into the cushions again. Jack turned back to the Master and ran over, pressing the gun against his temple. “What did you do to him?” The Master frowned as he tried to remember then shrugged slowly.

“I honestly don’t know what happened. One minute we were cruising towards the Silver devastation and the next thing I know I’m waking up with grill impressions in my face.” He touched his face gingerly and winced. Yep, that was TARDIS shaped alright. That explained the crick in his neck if he had passed out at an angle. But then why the pain in the…

“As if I’m going to believe that.” Another figure appeared at the door behind him and the Master felt a moments confusion wash over him as he looked at the slender form in the neat grey suit. There was something he’d wanted to ask the human…

“Jack they arrived just a few minutes before you did, he hasn’t had time to do anything wrong.” The Doctor shifted once more then suddenly sat up with a start and stared wide eyed at them all before shaking his head.

“Hello! What are you all doing here? And what are…” He winced then held his head gently. “Ow. That’s not good.” Jack ran over to help him up and he stared over at the Master who was likewise rubbing his head, the grill marks on his face fading slowly but looking sore. “Oh. I think we may have drifted too close to that pulsar then.” Jack looked confused as the Doctor started into a long explanation on the effects of a particular pulsar in the silver devastation that had been known to render whole crews unconscious if they flew too close and how lucky it was he’d given the TARDIS a failsafe instruction now the Master was on board…

Ianto fingered the bottle of Retcon in his pocket with the barest ghost of a smile on his face as he watched the confusion on the Master’s face as he slowly rubbed his back. He knew something had happened but was too proud, too stubborn to admit it to the Doctor or Jack and would never suspect the mere human, the Tea Boy of such an act… He had held the tie until the master had passed out then returned him to the TARDIS, cleaned them up and dressed them and been able to catch Jack just before he returned to report the arrival of the TARDIS. It had worked out so well he could almost believe it had never happened. But it had. And denying the Master his memory of the event was the icing on the cake. And the way Jack looked at Ianto, so concerned and protective at the thought of what could have happened had the Master managed to overpower the Doctor as he had feared, had he come to the Hub alone to exact revenge on Ianto… And what Jack would do to make it up to him, to promise he would never put him in danger again...

Well that was the cherry on top. 


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