I was tagged by
magpiefirefly, sort of.
01. How has LJ changed your life?
Well, I found my apartment on LJ.
02. What do you do before bedtime?
03. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
Tonight's a game night, so it'll be an Anna's burrito or something from the food court, most likely. The pickings are slim around Kendall Square.
04. What is the ONE place you want to go before you die if you had the money and the time?
I've never been to Europe, so let's say that.
05. What scares you?
How much I still have to do to get a PhD. Deciding what to do after I have a PhD.
06. What do you do in your free time?
Read. Mess with Python or Haskell. Play Rock Band. Watch Red Sox games.
07. If you could speak another language (meaning one you currently don't know), what would it be?
08. What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
Cell phone, wallet, ipod.
09. What was your favorite song or musical group when you were young?
I'll say my favorite composer was J.S. Bach. I didn't really pay attention to "songs" or "groups" until well into college.
10. Are you a risk taker?
Not really.
11. Is being tagged fun?
Some tags sound really imperious and that irks me. (You MUST answer these questions!) Who makes these rules? Why do we listen? This one was at least polite enough to leave some wiggle room. But I'm not going to tag anyone.
12. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
It's very hard to say. Remember my answer to 05?
13. If you could be anyone for one day, who would you be?
If I say "an elite assassin" or "a fighter pilot", do I get their skills for the day too? I wouldn't want to end up in a clutch and discover that I still only have the skills of a grad student.
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A very busy one. Somewhat mushy with some of her recent posts.
15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
single & rich
16. How many children do you want to have, if any?
2 or so might be nice. But first I would need to find someone to share them with, finish grad school, and maybe even decide where I want my career to go, all of which are so daunting that I hardly want to consider them.
17. Is reality objective or subjective?
18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Um. The one I like better? The one who reciprocates? Hey question, let's be less vague!
19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for £10,000,000?
Another weird question. It doesn't even tell me how unattractive this person is. But probably yes; that's a lot of money.
20. What is your favorite color?
Green. It was green when I was little, then I thought it was blue for a while, but everyone says blue so I decided I would return to my roots.