Manga/comic: Little Dr. Alexander

Dec 31, 2006 06:21

Summary: 7-page comic in manga (Japanese graphic novel) style; each page is about 490 x 750 pixels. Hephaestion is slightly ill; Alexander, naturally, must do something about it!
Rating: Suitable for all ages. Very, very fluffy...
© Copyright Joyeee 2007

Tools: Pencils, pens, Photoshop.
Sources: Sources on the herbs include Ancient Greek Medicine and The image of Alexander on the first page is based on Charles LeBrun's painting, "Entry Into Babylon."

Dedication: To Moon71, in honor of her story "Chicken!" - a tale set in Ecbatana which made me laugh! That story was the original inspiration for this.

EDIT: *delighted* Look, wanamaker05 did a Chinese translation! (中文版!) :D

As always, comments of all kinds are very, very welcome!

fic-alexander the great, fanart-alexander the great, fanart-if i could be a manga artist, fanart-historical

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