Title: To the Olympics!
Genre: Adventure/Drama
Rating: FRT/PG/K+
Summary: The summer of 340 BC: Alexander and Hephaestion attend the Olympics! While exploring new places, meeting new people, facing culture clashes and getting into a fistfight or two, friendship deepens into something more.
Chapter 3: For some, Pella is home. For others, it's . . .
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Comments 5
Chapter 1 was very interesting when you focused on Aristotele's point of view.
2 was absolutely wonderful, with the boys just having a good time.
With his hands clasped comfortably as a pillow under his head, he appeared quite unaware of Alexander's fingers tapping irregularly, restlessly, almost close enough to brush his arm, and in the dappled light he even seemed half-asleep. Yet on the few occasions that Alexander spoke, he always answered. And whatever his answers were, the crease in Alexander's brow always smoothed out after, if only for a few moments.
Loved that part!
And this chapter was quite captivating; Cleocritus is an interesting character.
I'm looking foward to see more of the story!
And that part you quoted was probably my favorite part to write so far, so yay! ^___^
I haven't read the Romance at all (rather irresponsble of me, I know!) - I only had the line Coral mentioned in her challenge. So, I've never even heard of Nicolaus! XD However I tried to work in as much as possible of the "research" material I ran across ... for example later on there will be an explanation for Alexander's supposed disdain for professional athletes, especially boxers (...? did the "research' too long ago to remember the finer details)
Thank you for your encouragement on the presentation of politics... I'm glad it wasn't too much of a lesson instead of the entertainment this story is meant to be!
As with the Companions I wish I could devote more writing time to Philip. Actually when I read A Bloodline of Kings I was rather taken with his older brother Perdiccas also; if I do write a Philip-focused story it will probably be ( ... )
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