Title: miserere (have mercy)
Characters: Castiel, Dean (sort of),
Raphael (Archangel associated with healing)
Ratings/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 320
Summary: Castiel finishes the mission to rescue Dean Winchester from Hell.
Spoilers: If you know about Castiel, this should be fine.
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Comments 12
Great job!
Poor Castiel: taking the blame for Dean's broken soul. Very powerful.
He did not hear the gentle reminder in Raphael's tone that the blame was not his to take.
This line is gorgeous. I adore it.
But yes - Thank you so much~! Especially for pointing out a line that worked in particular for you! (not sure it lives up to your praise but this made me very very happy!)
And \o/ for awesome non-canon angels!
And I'm not sure if you'd care, but here's my inner classicist coming out: Eleison is Greek; the Latin would be...miserere, IIRC. But then, there were a lot of Greek-loan words, so yeah.
(And on the chance that you found this fic through the other fic I just posted, and I botched the Latin there, I'd like to know too! *__*)
The Greek phrase is Kýrie eléison (Lord have mercy). It's a very pretty-sounding phrase. Apropos of nothing. Just in case you were curious :)
And now I will stop typing, before I'm tempted to digress into the use of Greek loan words as punchlines in the comedies of Plautus.
Comedy in the classics has a special kick! :D
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