fanart for SPN fanfic - "The 41st Year" by tracy_loo_who

Apr 15, 2009 00:18

Content: Dean and Castiel, Hell.Rating: R(?) Definitely not work-safe, though there isn't any anatomy you wouldn't see at a public pool.
Source/Inspiration: For
tracy_loo_who's " The Forty-First Year", in which Dean is unbearably horrible, and yet unbearably not. And Castiel, with his perseverance and forgiveness and $(#&%*! faith ... ! ;_____;

Tools: pencil, color pencil (wings, feathers, hair), Photoshop. (1st time coloring so much with Photoshop, ack!)

  • The hand - I didn't know I was going to draw it that way until it happened, so, unfortunately, it's not the shoulder with the handprint. (But you could think of it as foreshadowng the grip that raised him from perdition, I guess?)
  • Had no idea what I was doing when I started coloring the wings, which, yes, are meant to be black. Took liberties with a few other details too...
  • ... however! I hope it still fits overall with the spirit of that gorgeous moment in the fic ~ when Dean's eyes are green, and Castiel says the words quoted below. ^___^
  • Again, THANKS to tracy_loo_who! (Yah, thanks for breaking this reader, and I'm sure many others, into a jillionty pieces!)
Ok, enough of my rambling already! Here ~

* * * * *

"They won't grow back if you cut them off...
And then neither of us will ever leave this place, and the world will crumble.
This is faith."

* * * * *

Just the lines:

Then, color:

Discovered some more Photoshop effects and got a bit trigger-happy. Have some lens flares!

~ Feedback is awesome! ~

fanart-if i could be a manga artist, fanart-supernatural, supernatural

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