Aug 21, 2004 00:02
Tonight was fun, Although I felt out of place several times.
Aug 17, 2004 23:34
So have I told anyone lately that Briana is my favorite person in the world, and I happen to love her. This would be because she is beautiful, intelligent, marvelous, and a grand gorgeous girlfriend, and she mine.
Aug 16, 2004 22:42
In the event that everything should go terrible wrong....
Aug 06, 2004 15:27
I was going through my wallet today. I found the one of the little peices of paper Briana gave me on the night I had my potental overdose. On it said "I <3<3<3 you". I kept that paper with me the whole time I was in the hospital.
I love you.
Aug 05, 2004 00:49
Guess what I listen to rap and, I don't care what you think about it.
Also, Tiffany Hooper is pretty. a certain Mi to the El need to realized that.
and, I love Briana Rae Shutley. I'm all worried about her right now. This is gay.
Aug 04, 2004 21:24
what does everyone else do when they get depressed, because my method is going to have bad results one day. But then again i can't stop. So it doesn't really matter.
Aug 04, 2004 00:27
So my mom decided she doesn't like rap anymore. Now she likes country, I liked it better when she liked rap.