Staring for a Hundred Hours by
stone_princess -- RPS, pairing withheld (m/m slash)
Uhhh, yeah. Go read this and then come back here, because this story just does things to me, and we need to discuss them, m'kay? Go on, I'll wait.
Back? Okay,
I am totally in love with Jeffrey Dean Morgan now and it's all JJ's fault!!! Because, see, she pitched this idea to me as "hooker!fic" and "jailbait!Jensen" and of course I'm going to be all on-board with that, but this fic was not that at all!!!
It could have been all dirty and wrong, and I guess maybe in a way it is, but not in the way I was expecting. Because the thing is, the characterization of Jeff is perfect, and it makes the story all achey and wistful and romantic instead of dirtywrong hooker!fic.
There is just the right amount of tortured angsty want from Jeff to make him totally perfect. SO IN LOVE NOW!!!
Gah! I'm articulating this so badly! I can't... *waves hand* Okay, this little bit right here, for example, totally hits me right in the chest:
Jen stood and stretched his best porn star stretch. Showing himself off to the best advantage, slim hips and narrow shoulders.
"Jesus, how old are you?" JD ran his hand over his face as he spoke, letting his mouth fall open as he drew it over his jaw. Jen wasn't sure what to say. Usually he could get a read on guys and know if they needed him to be older or younger than he was. How old do you want me to be? He just couldn't tell this time, so he played it safe.
"I'm 18." I'm telling you I'm legal, and you can believe whatever you need to get off.
"The hell you are." JD looked serious when he spoke, a little disturbed that Jen might actually be underage.
*flails* So so good and hot and hurty and brilliant!!!! And I just...I don't know how she did that!!!
So, yeah. I'm crushing so achey good on JDM right now, it's insane. I need a Papa Winchester icon. And a Dean one, now that I think about it...
And in conclusion, tell me your thoughts, because I cannot be the only one who feels this way, right? Right!