
Oct 25, 2005 21:48

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1) Is tastee a high school student? no
2) One quality you find attractive in firefly_03? her huge rack...oh, i guess her personality is okay too.
3) Would you set up __cobwebsoul and tastee? no, not realistic.
4) If dreaminggrapes had a superpower, what would it be? communicating with manatees, through telepathy, of course.
5) What would firefly_03 give bit_o_sunshine for his/her birthday? a "happy birthday!"
6) Has thirdplanet dyed their hair? yes, in fact i've dyed it for him.
7) Does axlroseissex have a crush on jsteam? let's hope not.
8) What word best describes jsteam? fagtastic!
9) What is __cobwebsoul's shoe size? 9?
10) Could you see firefly_03 and jsteam together? aside from him whipping out his peen and her reluctantly poking it...yes!
11) If mirranda and bit_o_sunshine were spliced together, what would be its name? makki spuillot
12) What exotic animal would __cobwebsoul like as a pet? a sugar glider
13) What animal should firefly_03 be combined with? rabbit
14) Is thirdplanet single? naw, he's hitched!
15) Did thirdplanet break up with you? no, but he did have sex with my friend, in my bed, while i was out of town!!! dick.
16) How tall is __cobwebsoul? 5'6"
17) What would dreaminggrapes think of faceofachild? hard tellin'
18) What planet should smashblad be from? Xena
19) Does hussla have a dog? no
20) What flavor of jello would pale_blue_laces be? lime
21) What is tastee's favorite color? clear?
22) What would you do if thirdplanet died? steal his cat.
23) Would you wrestle mirranda in jello? sure, why not?!
24) What is __cobwebsoul's favorite band/artist? something classic rock.
25) If faceofachild were hanging off a cliff, what would medellia33 do? poke him with a stick.
26) Is megomegamoe 1337? yes, she's an immortal.
27) Is hussla athletic? yes, he's a skilled cougar fighter.
28) What do you disagree with hussla about? most things - except for the significance of the counthing crows.
29) Is tastee a college student? i think she graduated.
30) Have you ever dated faceofachild? nope.
31) Does megomegamoe smoke? yes, but only opium.
32) What is mirranda allergic to? dead baby kitties
33) What animal does velvetolive remind you of? a minx
34) Does insides have a big secret? i am one.
35) What do you agree with thirdplanet about? his addiction to crazy girls.
36) Does faceofachild do drugs? now and then
37) What would laurydia do differently in your shoes? rock.
38) If hbomb and bit_o_sunshine were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the boobies
39) What would you do if you found out megomegamoe has a crush on you? holla
40) Does megomegamoe go to your school? she used to, in like, 3rd grade.
41) Is laurydia a nerd? nah
42) One thing you can't stand about bit_o_sunshine? her habit of being right.
43) What languages does pale_blue_laces speak? english - and some spanish, i believe.
44) What video game does pale_blue_laces remind you of? Ninja Turtles
45) Is thirdplanet dead sexy? nope, just dead.
46) Do __cobwebsoul and velvetolive go to the same school? not even close.
47) What color should dreaminggrapes dye their hair? crayola red!
48) How long would megomegamoe dating jsteam last? .17 seconds
49) What is antistacey's favorite food? something cheesy
50) Do you have axlroseissex's screenname? yes
51) How many monkeys could dreaminggrapes fight at once and win against? 16
52) If axlroseissex and mirranda were spliced together, what would it be like? a rollercoaster
53) Which of your friends should fulflej go out with? jsteam is the most logical answer...but that could be disasterous.
54) When did you last call laurydia? never!
55) Is pale_blue_laces friends with faceofachild? nope
56) Has faceofachild been to your house/dorm? yes, a past apartment.
57) Have you flirted with axlroseissex? shamelessly
58) How long have you known dreaminggrapes? an eternity
59) Do you have a crush on antistacey? no...it's more of an obsession, really.
60) Does fulflej know antistacey? very, very well.
61) Is tastee your best friend? sadly, no.
62) What mental disorder does jsteam remind you of? nymphomania
63) How would __cobwebsoul kill fulflej? castration
64) Do you think laurydia is hot? totally.
65) Where was jsteam born? the back of an el camino
66) Is insides related to tastee? don't think so
67) Thoughts on laurydia? fabulous
68) Are antistacey and smashblad married? oh, god no!
69) What is __cobwebsoul's favorite game? hide and seek
70) Are fulflej and firefly_03 going out? ha ha ha
71) Where would __cobwebsoul most like to visit? Detroit...it just suits her.
72) smashblad's eye color? red
73) What is velvetolive's biggest flaw? her anxiety about meeting me!
74) What is fulflej's favorite movie? something homoerotic
75) Does dreaminggrapes travel a lot? only when she doesn't know where she's going.
76) Would you ever date larrondo? "date"?
77) If laurydia commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? everyone
78) Is pale_blue_laces in a relationship? don't think so
79) Where was thirdplanet born? who cares?!
80) What rank would tastee have in a giant robot army? #5594.G37
81) If fulflej took over the world, who would be happy? Trent.
82) Would jsteam be a better ninja or pirate? pirates...because they get more accessories.
83) Does velvetolive drink? of course not! that's absurd!
84) Where did you first meet tastee? actually, i haven't.
85) If firefly_03 took over the world, who would suffer? Georgia
86) What comic book character would fulflej be? wienerguy
87) Is hussla popular? amongst whom?
88) Is faceofachild related to you? no no
89) bit_o_sunshine's hair color? brown
90) How would hussla conquer the world? mind control
91) Is larrondo introverted or extroverted? extroverted
92) Would __cobwebsoul go out with dreaminggrapes? sure, why not?
93) Which president would axlroseissex be likely to idolize? a dead one.
94) If pale_blue_laces was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? wienerguy
95) Is medellia33 an emo? an emo? isn't that a large flightless bird?
96) Would fulflej and laurydia make a good couple? ha
97) Are tastee and larrondo going steady? does larrondo "go steady"? does that mean "penetrate"?
98) Would __cobwebsoul and thirdplanet look good together? no
99) What song/movie would you recommend to bit_o_sunshine? shovin' it up the butt
100) Would you make out with antistacey? been there, done that.


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