"All is well..."
It's short, but it had done wonders to me.
Now, everytime things happen that usually would have cause me to panic, I'd say this line calmly, and the situation will somehow turn into something unexpectedly good.
Well, at least I'll learn something from it.
I had lived most of my life worrying, and expecting things to go wrong.
But aren't I being unfair to myself?
When I think clearly, I have as much opportunity and chances to live life happily and full of gratitude, but I'd choose to focus on the negative.
Well, it could only be something negative when I call it as that. Maybe it's another name I call things that I didn't want. I can keep on being ignorant, but when I re-read my journals, I had almost half of the things I desired and wished for, came true. But there was something wrong with the timing...i managed to find something to complain about, huh?
All these years of self-blaming and feeling sorry for myself, I want to live a better life.
Does that mean, more money? or getting the job i want? or maybe, finally meeting the love of my life?
After a lot of pondering and observing, I just knew deep down inside that my happiness won't come from the material things i am getting in life. Because how could i be genuinely happy if i take for granted the very fact that I could breath properly right now? That's the simplest thing to be happy and grateful about, but if i don't think much of it, how could money, marriage or work make me any happier?
I would usually write something like this in my journal, only for me to read. Only this time, I just feel like saying thanks to everyone around me, my sister and friends that is probably reading this. My way of life might have not allow me to experience enough, but I learnt a lot from your stories, the entries you wrote. All of it is precious to me. There are times when I feel uncomfortable reading them, I could be angry or upset, but it does make me think. I learn from it, and I knew myself better from that. At times, random entries makes me smile or laugh, and even though I never commented, I'd say my thanks from the bottom of my heart, and in return hoping that you will also be granted with abundant reasons to smile and laugh about.
Thank you everyone.
I found that simple line that helps me to calm down, thanks to my sis. We might have started off really bad dear, but I don't regret it at all.
As I write this, I still do not have a stable work, but I get the pleasure to spend more time with my parents, and more time to spend on the things I really enjoy.
They might sometimes lecture me, but they are always there for me.
No boyfriend, but I am not lonely.
Why should I, when I have siblings and friends that care for me.
There are sooooo many ways to view life, and I choose to be thankful.
Hehe...after all I've wrote, here comes the moment to post XD...緊張しますね~But....
All is well... *click*