[my name is]: Joy
[bday]: July 9 [sign]: cancer
[hair color]: brown
[eye color]: blue/green
[height]: 5'5''
[in the morning i am:] not awake
[I dream about]: funny things...
-- T.H.E - O.P.P.O.S.I.T.E - S.E.X --
[what do you notice first?]: eyes or teeth
[what makes you smile]: when they do something cute
[who do you have a crush on]: numerous people
[last person u slow danced with]: mike l.
-- T.H.E - L.A.S.T - P.E.R.S.O.N --
[you talked to on the phone]: my dad
[you instant messaged]: mike pompliano
[you laughed with]: my mom
-- Y.O.U --
[could you live without the computer?]: um...I have before
[what's your favorite food?]: chinese
[what's your favorite fruit?]: strawberries or raspberries
[what hurts the most: physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional stays with you a lot longer. you never forget it.
[trust others way too easily?]: I try not to, but i always fall into the same place...
-- N.U.M.B.E.R --
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: 2
[of hearts i have broken?]: 1 or 2 probably
[of tight friends?]: 3ish
[of cd's that i own?]: not very many
[of scars on my body?]: I can think of 5 off the top of my head
[of things in my past that i regret?]: there are lots of things, but I don't dwell on the past.
-- O.T.H.E.R - T.H.I.N.G.S --
[i know]: i love my friends
[i want]: to be done with school
[i have]: to run to the bathroom...sure you cared to know. [i wish]: I had someone to care for.
[i hate]: a lot of things, and people
[i miss]: MSU
[i fear]: never getting married.
[i hear]: my stupid dog
[i love]: my life.
[i always]: let someone know how I feel about them before I leave them.
[i cry]: a lot, but I hide it.
[i confuse]: indefinate versus definate integrals
[i can usually be found]: at my apartment
[i need]: someone
[i suck]: at basketball
-- A.R.E - Y.O.U --
[wuss]: yes
[gang member]: I wish
[daydreamer]: you dont even know..
[freak]: sometimes...
[brat]: I would consider myself a brat. [sarcastic]: about everything
[goody-goody]: I used to be, those who don't know me very well would say I still am.
[talkative]: I wish I was more.
-- S.E.L.F - A.N.A.L.Y.S.I.S --
[your best feature]: sense of humor [most annoying thing you do]: I don't know
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: eyes, butt
[a city you'd like to visit]: somewhere, anywhere in Poland
[a drink you order most often]: coke or mountain dew
[a book you highly recommend]: the wedding
[a film you could watch over and over]: mean girls
[Your cologne or perfume]: right now it's either ralph lauren cool, or pink
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: I don't have an underneath my bed, and in the closet I hide old boyfriends things.
-- f.a.s.h.i.o.n | s.t.u.f.f --
[where is your favorite place to shop]: probably american eagle right now...
[any tattoos or piercings]: my ears, my nose, my belly button, and I have one tattoo
--s.p.e.c.i.f.i.c.s --
[what kind of shampoo do you use?]: thermasilk
[where do you want to get married?]: Old St. Patricks in Ann Arbor
[how many buddies are online right now?]: 52
[what would you change about yourself?]: I would like to lose just a little bit of weight, even if it's just in my face that would be great.
--f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e.s --
[color]: pink
[boys name]: gavin
[girls name]: rose
[subjects in school]: duh, math
[animals]: cat
--c.u.r.r.e.n.t --
[clothes]: pink pajama pants with clouds on them(hot), pink slippers, and a long sleeved black shirt.
[music]: none [make-up]: coverup and mascara
[annoyance]: my mom
[smell]: some candle my mom has burning
[desktop picture]: it looks as though it's a bleeding rose
[cd in player]: my brothers atreyu cd
[color of toenails]: pink...that' s coming off
-- m.o.r.e | l.a.s.t | p.e.r.s.o.n --
[you touched]: my mom
[hugged]: mike l.
[you yelled at]: my mom
--a.r.e. | y.o.u --
[understanding]: yeah
[open-minded]: most of the time
[arrogant]: I don't think so [insecure]: very much so
[interesting]: not really
[random]: not really
[hungry]: nope, just went to olive garden
[smart]: I would like to think so
[moody]: totally
[hard working ]: when I feel like it
[organized]: I can be very organized
[healthy]: I feel likeI"m getting sick again
[shy]: sometimes, depends who I'm around
[difficult]: I dont think so
[bored easily]: no
[messy]: in my room
[responsible]: I think I'm pretty responsible
[obsessed]: not so much
[angry]: no
[sad]: a lot of the time
[happy]: when I'm not sad
[trusting]: yes, too often
-- d.o | y.o.u --
[sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?]: I have done it before. Or I will turn the volume up loud enought so I can hear it.
[save conversations]: I have a couple.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex?]: only during a certain time of the month
[wish you were younger]: no, I wish I was older
[cried because someone said something to you?]: yes, or if they havent said something to me.
-- f.i.n.a.l | q.u.e.s.t.i.o.n.s --
[do you like filling these out?]: I don't mind when I'm bored
[gold or silver]: silver
[what was the last film you saw at the movies?]: oceans 12
[favorite cartoon]: aqua teen, or daria
[what did you have for breakfast this morning]: reeses puffs
[who would you love being locked in a room with]: the man of my dreams
[would you color your hair]: uh duh
[could you ever get off the computer]: yes going to do it as soon as I'm done here
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: sunsets