My writing habits vary, based on where I am and what I'm doing, but I'll always love writing it out longhand in cheap little 15 cent notebooks. I buy so many really nice blank books, lured in by the idea of writing something new and pretty in them, but the pressure gets to be too much. :) Much better to just have something easily replaceable. And while I love the efficiency of typing everything on the computer, nothing beats the feel of a pen in your hand, scribbling down words as fast as you can, handwriting getting so messy that no one can read it but you... I really wish I could stay home and write now and not go to work... :)
Like a lot of things I do, it depends on the characters or the scene that I'm working on. If I'm writing out a scene that is nothing more than a group of friends, or a public scene, I'm fine with my computer. It helps me keep it from getting too involved. However, I find it difficult to write something passionate or highly indepth in anything but my sloppy cursive with a good pen and cheap paper. I don't know, but it matters. If I write neatly I'll probably throw it away. I do that too often too.
When I'm researching and planning a novel, I do a lot of handwriting in a journal. The journal I have right now has more than 50 pages of notes, clippings, photos, etc. - all getting ready for this year's nanowrimo. When I actually get to the writing, it's all on computer.
The question for this week is - what do you use when you write? I write directly onto the little black keys of a computer. Wish they made keys like giant blocks for kids that way they were easier to hit
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