Dear Yuletide Author,

Oct 16, 2012 14:04

This is my first time participating in Yuletide, and I'm very, very excited about it.

WARNING: Letter language is not particularly SFW.

Dear, dear Yuletide Author,

First, I love you already for offering to write in one (or more) of these fandoms, and I cannot wait to see what you create.

Some things I really enjoy seeing (but are not required):
  • AU's - I love retellings. Gods, I love retellings. Tell me the same story a million times, but tell it differently each time. I'd prefer no hard-sci-fi/other bleak dystopias, but other than that, go for it!
  • Crossovers - I am all about the great tastes that taste great together. Mmmmmm.
  • Humor and/or crack!fic. BANTER. I adore banter.
  • Thinky character studies.
  • Characters dealing with their own darknesses/dark sides. Particularly, characters learning that their darknesses are not fatal/necessarily damaging to those they love. That they are, in fact, loveable.
  • Explorations of love and devotion - especially the romance of/with deities/the Divine.
  • Joyful nonmonogamy.
  • Smut. Vanilla, kinky, [fem]slash, het, and other permutations thereon.
  • Kink (I mean, I'm requesting the Kushiel's series, so that's kind of implied). Both pain and power are good with me.
A few things I'd prefer not to see:
  • Pregnancy/baby!fic.
  • Extended attention to fellatio, if smut is happening.
  • Jealousy as a main component of a relationship/story.
  • Infant/child-centered fic - including de-aging.
Greek and Roman Mythology

The Persephone story is one of my main stories. And because I'm into fic, my version is not quite the usual version. I'm good with all variants, though. I also think that Persephone and Dionysus get it on when she's aboveground for the summer...and am pretty attached to the idea that Dionysus and Hades are two aspects of the same dude...though I'm also attached to the idea of her having two lovers/partners. I am a BOTH/AND person, in case that wasn't clear.

You do not, however, have to write about this relationship. Writing about either of them alone is great! Either of them in conjunction with other deities/mortals, also great!

Hindu Mythology

I have such a thing for Krishna, in a rather heretical sense. He pings a lot of the same things Dionysus does for me - he's a god of women, who all looooove him. I also adore Durga/Kali - and would devour anything featuring her. Again, I'm big on devotion - so anything playing with the relationship between the devotee and the deity would be awesome - whether it's sexy bhakti or a more conventional sort.

Kushiel's Legacy

I would prefer to see something featuring characters from the first three books...though I certainly would not object to seeing some sure-of-himself Imriel having a Good Ol' Bad Time with someone. If it's not obvious, I really dig mythology, ritual, and sacred sexuality, so if this emphasizes those aspects of Carey's world, that would make all of my days.

As I've said, these are suggestions. Guidelines, not requirements. I'll be thrilled and honored by whatever you choose to write for me. :-)

Thank you so much,


among the things that turn me on, playing with persephone, polyamoury is love, power wielded wisely, words have power, attack of the fangirl, story is my world

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