Hello, its me again :)
My new pirate name is Dirty Roger Cash, so I will be referring to myself as such, at least for this blog entry. If you wanna be a Pirate also? Check this out.
http://www.piratequiz.com/ Thank you Fingle for the link
http://fingle.livejournal.com/ Arrrrhhhhhgggg Me Maties! (Did you know that pirates invented a popular
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Comments 2
Pierre is so big! He's so big, he's getting kinda scary! No wonder you don't wanna eat Lobster at "Red Lobster"---Pierre might crawl outta his tank and pinchee you as you sleep if you did! So is he the only one in your tank still? Are you gonna get him a girlfriend?
((LOVE your pull toys))
I've been a Jolly Rodger today too! Well, I haven't been swabbing any poop decks ot anything, but I have been tending my ship. ((cleaning my diningroom out to be an additional art studio space))
Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter Chloe!
Have a nice Sunday Night Joe,
Lo** (Black Tom Rackham) <<< Pirate name...
Terrific pull toy, too!
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