kyjrE-mail address:
Fandoms: JE - KAT-TUN (4, 5, 6), NEWS (4, 6), Kanjani8 (7), Jin, Yamapi
I am offering: Fic
Examples of my work:
MasterpostWhat I can do: Any rating, canon or au is fine. I like writing fluff but I'm also okay with gen and smut. I'm okay with most pairings within the above (with all sorts of combinations), so just ask and I'll see if I can write it :)
What I cannot do: Anything too kinky, no medical/historical aus. No non-con/dub-con. No crossdressing or genderswitch.
Other details: I'll probably take a while in writing your fics so please be patient. A prompt would be good but if you just want a fic with a particular pairing go right ahead xD
Minimum Offer (in USD. 1 USD = 43 PhP): $2 per fic