[OFFERING] Fan Fiction

Nov 21, 2013 18:23

Username: astrangerenters
E-mail address: sapereaude13 AT gmail DOT com
Fandoms: Johnny's - Arashi, gen/slash. Het with Kitagawa Keiko or Becky (other ladies negotiable if I am confident enough to write them).
I am offering: Fic only. At least 1,000 words because LOL I can't write anything short.
Examples of my work: Fic Index @ astrangestorm.
What I can do: AU is always preferred because I can ~do what I want~ but I might be swayed otherwise. I can hit almost anywhere along the AU spectrum > work AU/space/historical/TV and movie crossover if I've seen it. For best results, throw a bunch of stuff at me and we'll see what sticks :)
What I cannot do: Heavy kink, incest, rape/non-con/dub-con, genderswitch, mpreg, PWP (porn could totally happen, but I require context). Crime, medical, and mystery are weak points.
Other details: I will probably not be able to start writing until January. Your patience is truly appreciated. Non-Arashi or non Arashi member/lady pairings are no go since I'm not current with any other groups right now. Certain people and pairings are my obvious favorites and/or strong suits. Choose wisely ;)
Minimum Offer (in USD. 1 USD = 43 PhP): $3 and I will match the final donation total.
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