acidaeE-mail address: I'd prefer PMs if possible!
Fandoms: I like pretty much anything from TOKIO to even a little bit of HSJ-- I'm not familiar with the groups that debuted after HSJ, but I'm totally fine with translating for those groups as well.
I am offering: Text translations from Japanese to English-- so basically magazine articles, but I can translate song lyrics, pamphlets (concert or otherwise), doujinshi or manga as well. And if you want, I can also do both translation and scanlation of an Arashi doujinshi of your choice.
Examples of my work: I don't have a masterpost, but I do have a translation journal over at
say_it_again and you can find them archived in the
What I can do: In terms of straight-up translations, I can do any fandom you want; doesn't even have to be Johnny's. For doujinshi scanlations, my primary focus is on Arashi and I'm fairly limited to the ones that I already own and have scanned.
What I cannot do: I'm not really sure if I will be able to scanlate doujinshi of groups I'm not familiar with, and I prefer to use my own scans since I scan them all a certain way to save more time when it comes to editing later. I'm also going to have to pass on translating video clips, sorry!
Other details: If you want a straight-up translation, please provide the raw scans for me to translate with. If you want translations of a song, please provide a link to the original lyrics-- even better if you can provide a streaming link or upload of the song as well, because I like to listen to the song as I'm translating to get a better grasp of the context. If you want scanlations, let me know which Arashi pairings you like and I'll go through my folders to see if I've already scanned something with those pairings in it. Or if you prefer Arashi gen/non-pairing, that's cool too because I have lots of those. :)
Minimum Offer (in USD. 1 USD = 43 PhP): $1 per song, $2 per page of text (if it's literally a giant wall of text that is common in certain magazines and pamphlets, I may ask for a higher price!), $5 per doujinshi scanlation (again, if the dj is very long I may ask for more). Anything else (such as manga chapters), just leave a comment and we'll work something out. :)