I was sad about a boy - an old friend (a guy who I used to see years ago) asked me to tell him about it. This was a guy who was never really good at hearing the mushy stuff, but he asked about what was making me sad, I told him - and I am not exactly sure when or where in my babbling brook of a tale -- he told me that he had been diagnosed with a particular strain of cancer. They operated and removed the tumorous growth, but after reading up on it and getting the pathologist report, he's pretty sure that he has between 8 and 10 years to live...he's 24. It put a serious hamper on my whining the whining I'd been doing about my love(less) life. Ah, perspective.
Wow...yeah perspective can hit at the strangest of times.
I did get married. He is hot, I think you would really like his ass. Great ass. :D and his sense of humor too...I think you would get a kick out of that. So yeah you missed your shot with him! ;)
The rewedding/reception will be next October in Seattle...HUGE party. (none of this white dress in a church thing) Costume party no less! Start thinking now!
I will. I don't get dressed up too terribly often anymore, but for you I will make the effort. I am sorry if I came off like a douche when I met you. My head was messed up and parts of my insides had broken into pieces. Don,t get me wrong, I AM a dick, but you met me during a particularly ugly vignette. I am so happy for you that I might pee on myself a little. Send me a picture of you beau, and a picture of his ass...and photos and phone numbers of his friends, who smoke pole and have great asses. TTFN.
Comments 4
Thank you.
I hear you got married. I guess I missed my shot.
I did get married. He is hot, I think you would really like his ass. Great ass. :D and his sense of humor too...I think you would get a kick out of that. So yeah you missed your shot with him! ;)
The rewedding/reception will be next October in Seattle...HUGE party. (none of this white dress in a church thing) Costume party no less! Start thinking now!
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