In some sense it's the opposite, as it's an attempt to turn myriad facts into not words, but numbers. Wolfram Research are the folks behind Mathematica, and it's a Mathematica kernel that runs Wolfram|Alpha. Which means you can type " N[64/23,30] " and it actaully reads it and replies as if you typed that in Mathematica. Handy the next time I need to show my class that no, sixty-four twenty-thirds isn't just 2.78 (or anything else with less than a 22-digit repetend).
Well.. lol while your explanation makes a lot of sense and I already knew what it was pirior to your explanation, it's just that all of the words here are in Joss Whedon TV shows.
Wolfram and heart is the name of the Villainous company that has ties to hell demenision From the TV show Angel
while Alpha is the name of one of the many villains from Dollhouse.
so when I first saw "Wolframlapha" I thought it was some kind of Joss Whedon joke
Comments 7
Wolfram and heart is the name of the Villainous company that has ties to hell demenision From the TV show Angel
while Alpha is the name of one of the many villains from Dollhouse.
so when I first saw "Wolframlapha" I thought it was some kind of Joss Whedon joke
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