Dean of Diablo dies:

Mar 19, 2011 21:16

When I was first introduced to Science Fiction Fandom in 1977, one of the first people I ever met regularly at cons was Mike Glicksohn. I learned several things from him, even if they didn’t catch on immediately to my boyish brain - that you should never get involved in a poker game unless your were really good at it, and to avoid Diablo (a variant) Poker at all costs as being merciless to your wallet. Also, that you can be clever and thoughtful and also be mild enough in your speech that you don’t have to honk someone off while supporting your point of view.

He and I were not close, but we ran in similar fanzine and conrunning circles to know each other by sight and to walk up and say hello, etc. While a lot of people I knew looked at him with awe, the older I got and he got, the more I realized what a mature and complex man he was.

Mike Glyer has an excellent Obit for Mike in the latest bit of File 770; I suggest you read it for more on the guy.  You’re also welcome to comment and describe the process of Diablo Poker.

science_fiction, sad, fanzines, fandom, hugos, celebrities, canada, mourning

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