Fic-Reaction-Helen/Will (G)

Jan 17, 2012 15:39

Fandom: Sanctuary
Pairing: Helen/Will
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Rating: G
Notes: I own nothing, as always. A friend was down last night so I wrote a bit of fluff to cheer her up.

Story under here )

sanctuary, helen/will, fic

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Comments 2

jacquelee January 18 2012, 22:45:58 UTC
Oh, nice fic! *squee* With a few more of these you might even convince me that Helen/Will is not such a bad idea. ;)

Hope it cheered her up!


jrmstoughchick January 19 2012, 17:30:03 UTC
*starts writing madly*
I will make a convert out of you yet, jac!

Thanks! And yes it did cheer her up. :)


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