Fic-Fishing (Sam/Jack, PG)

May 15, 2012 15:50

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Fluff
Notes: Spoilers for Threads. Set between the conclusion of the major events and the perfect final scene. Hastily scribbled during a lecture today (hey, who am I to deny the muse when she beats me in the head? oh right, the chick who's going to fail her classes. d'oh!) Thanks Rachel for ( Read more... )

fluff, sam/jack, fanfic, rating: pg, hurt/comfort

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Comments 4

ginaa2 May 16 2012, 01:43:55 UTC

Oh my, Lisa. This is so sweet and tender. So "them"

You really should have been able to write for them..

Thank you.


jrmstoughchick May 16 2012, 01:57:36 UTC
Awww thank you Gin. You are too sweet. <3 I just really love them.


vinegar_dog May 16 2012, 17:50:30 UTC
That was really gooey Lis! I agree with Gin, I bet I would have loved SG1 a lot more if there had been writers like you on the staff! :)


jrmstoughchick May 16 2012, 21:10:34 UTC
lol, gooey is about all I write. :)

Thanks Laura, I'm glad you liked it, I know you really don't like Sam/Jack all that much haha so thanks for reading it anyway! <33


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