Shit, this might be my Tuesday next semester:
1:00 - 3:50, Philosophy 100.
4:00 - 5:20, English 105 (which I shouldn't even have to take, bitches).
5:30 - 6:50, French 102 (assuming that's the course I'd go into after this summer).
7:00 - 7:55, French lab.
That would be seven hours at school. With constant classes, no less. I will eat BIG LUNCHES.
However, maybe it'll be worth it because Mondays and Wednesdays will only involve Japanese 102 for an hour and twenty minutes from 5:30 - 6:50.
Thursday I'll have English from 4:00 - 5:20, and French from 5:30 - 6:50. Then I won't have class on Friday, so I'll have the evening of Thursday and all day Friday and Saturday to do whatever. And Sunday, since halfway through the semester soccer will be over! Plus I won't have class till the evening on Monday, so I can stay out late Sunday, too.
So is the hellish Tuesday worth four nights of party hearty-ing?
Yes. Yes, I believe it is.
Of course all that is tentative, but it seems to all work together and that's all I ask for. Given, it won't necessarily be four nights of party hearty-ing because:
a) not everyone else will have all those days/nights free,
b) I haven't taken into account the job I will hopefully have (since EB is seasonal)
and c) partying four nights a week is a little excessive.
Low key movie-watching, game-playing, chat-having, coffee-grabbing partying is good too.
And I won't have that stupid fucking class on Saturdays which makes me so angry whenever I think of it GOD I WANT TO KILL THAT STUPID HAG.
Speaking of which, I was away.. Halloween weekend, because my church went to Camp Squeah (which was really fun, shut up). So I emailed that moronic teacher of mine and asked her how I would hand in my "poetry manuscript" (ie five shitty first-year poems), and she told me to give it to the faculty reception area. SO I DID.
Last week I go to class, and at the end she hands out the marked poetry bundles. She gets to the end of the pile and just stares blankly at me as I stare at her. Then I say, "I was away last weekend, you told me to hand it in to the faculty reception..."
She says, "And I didn't.. get it. I'm sorry."
Me: "That's okay, I don't mind," even though in my head I was cursing her to the very depths of hell to burn eternally.
Her: "If I had had the chance to get it I would've, but I didn't, I'm sorry."
Excuse me? Are you telling me that you didn't check your mailbox ONCE in an entire week? That you COMPLETELY forgot even after sending an email that a student would be handing in a poetry manuscript? YOU WHORE.
So, I punched her out and ran to my car.