It's been a long time since I've posted, I know. But with school, procrastination, and more, I haven't wanted to or haven't had the time.
Just wanted to mention that I'm posting on fanfiction again and am geering to go with three SLASH fanfics for Harry Potter so, go me!
On a more important note, I plan on doing a Share Your Heart video for Japan before April 31st which is the deadline for it incase anyone didn't know.
I'm not sure exactly what I'll be saying or doing, but I've created a poster and I just feel like I need to let Japan know- even if it's with just another video- that they've got my support and hope for the better.
They definately need it now with the after shocks of 3/11/11 being the size of earthquakes themselves. My heart goes out to them, truly it does. I wish I could do more to help.
I swear, had I had it, I would give them a huge donation before sending my ass over there to give my time to help them everyday.
People who treat this linke nothing should be ashamed of themselves.
Love you Japan! Best wishes. ♥