All~About you~
Name: Fishie
Nickname/s: Uhm. Fishie.
Age: 14
Birthday: July 20th 1991
Gender: Female
Likes: Music, Sleep, Magazines, Love, Photography, Japan, YouTube, Books, Writing, Guys, Collages, Art, Clothes, JRockers. . .
Dislikes: Tomatoes, Sweat, Exercise, Cockiness, Haters, Rejection, Exams, Boredom. . .
Hobbies: Listening to music, Sleeping, Staring at a Computer Screen for long hours, Going to the mall, Watching videos, more sleeping, hanging out with friends, reading, roleplaying, photography, questioning society, downloading music, wishing I was asian, wishing I knew more Japanese.
Strengths: Photography, Honesty, Sleeping. . .
Weaknesses: Rejection, Keeping things bottled up inside.
Colour: Black or Blue
Animal: Cat
Foods: Sherbet, Pasta, Spinach, Hummus, Cereal. . .
J-rocker: Oh god. Either Atsushi from Buck-Tick or Kyo from Dir en grey.
J-rock band: obviously Dir en grey, Buck-Tick, 12012, Pierrot, alice nine, the GazettE, bis, Lareine, BLOOD, X-Japan, Vidoll, SID, Rentrer en Soi, Plastic Tree, Nightmare, MUCC, L`arc~en~Ciel, D'espairs Ray, Malice Mizer. . .
J-rock pairing: KyoxDie. or KyoxKaoru
L E A S T F A V O R I T E:
Colour: Green.
Animal: Dog
Foods: Tomatoes.
J-rocker: Mana. I hate that man. I mean, Malize Mizer is great and so is Moi dix Mois but, gah. I just hate how he looks.
J-rock band: ZeeK. Heard a few of their songs and uh. don't think so.
J-rock pairing: Manaxanything.
Pessimistic or Optimistic?: Pessimistic
Leader or Follower? Follower
Independent or Dependent?: Independent
Quiet or Loud?: Loud
Loner or Social?: Loner
Singer or Other Instrument?: Other Instrument
Calm or Hyper?: Calm
Cute or Sexy? Sexy
Macabre or Happy? Macabre
Crossdressing or No? Crossdressing
Random questions:
What kind of music do you/would you like to produce?: Oh wow. Rough, loud, in your face, honest, gross, sexy, soft, sad, happy, anything!!
Do you go for the singer/acter cliche, or just one or the other?: Well. It really depends who.
Are you into sex? If so, how much and how do you express this sexuality?: Yes, even though I'm a virgin, I'm into sex. I think about it all of the time. =\ Sexuality? Well, girls are okay, but I learn towards guys more.
If someone said something to anger you, how would you handle it?: Either start yelling, insulting or I won't say anything and I'll rant about it later.
What do you think of fangirls in general?: The over the top ones that are like 'I'm Mrs.blahblahblah touch him and you're dead!', I don't like. But the ones that are like 'Wow!!!!' are alright with me.
Do you like the media/attention?: Sometimes, but I like to get my space sometimes.
Anything else?: I hate it when people think I look like Miyavi and stuff. He's okay but he was better as Miyabi. =\
Please list five, or less bands or J-rockers that you would like to be rated as/from:
1. Dir en grey
2. Buck-Tick
3. L'arc~en~Ciel
4. D'espairs Ray
Please post 2 clear pictures of yourself. If you have none, please describe yourself: