Vanilla Squee~

Jun 16, 2006 22:06

All~About you~

Age: Thirteen.
Birthday: 8/24.
Gender: Transgender/Female.
Likes: Writing, Literature, being alone, dainty mints, love, lust, bubbles, depressing or angry music, perfume, things that are clean, psychics, slow dances, silence or quiet, classical music, cold nights, beaches at night, striped stockings, pinstripes, techno music, scooter, the taste of bittersweet or just bitter, summertime, Dollfies.

Dislikes: Loud people, hip-hop music at times, people doting over me, people thinking that children are to young to fend for themselves, When anyone tries to help me, sunny days, headaches, illness, breaking bones, most medical things, sweets.

Hobbies: Writing, Reading, taking walks on the beach at night, thinking alone, roleplaying, singing, acting, clensing ((obsessive compulsive)) being with my loved ones at times.

Strengths: Comforting others even if I don't mean to, know when to be quiet and when to talk (for my own sake), writing my thoughts.

Weaknesses: Hiding my feelings, speaking to people in person, first impressions, keeping quiet (sometimes.)

Colour: Pink, green, white, black.
Animal: Kitten or Fox.
Foods:Green tea, propel, pie, and rice.
J-rocker: Mana-sama; Jiro-kun; Emiru-chan; Lida-kun; Kyo-kun; Bou-chan; Yu~ki-chan, Jun-san.
J-rock band: Malice Mizer, Antic Cafe, Lareine, Psycho le Cemu, GLAY, Diru, Pierrot.
J-rock pairing: ManaxGackt; KyoxToshiya; JiroxHisashi; LidaxYura; Yu~kixKozi; JunxKirito.((Yeah, I'm difficult.))

L E A S T F A V O R I T E:
Colour: Brown.
Animal: ...Parasite?
Foods: Meatballs X_X;
J-rocker: I don't really have a least favourite. Maybe Daishi? Sorry...He's kind of weird XD.
J-rock band: Luna...Sea...Yeah I'm bad.
J-rock pairing: KamixGackt. Yu~kixKami (I don't know...XD It's just not my favourite). And...DiexKyo.

Pessimistic or Optimistic?: Optimistic sometimes. Pessimistic most of the time.
Leader or Follower? Follower. Definatly.
Independent or Dependent?: Dependant ;_;
Quiet or Loud?: Both. At the wrong times.
Loner or Social?: Again, both, at the wrong times.
Singer or Other Instrument?: Singer AND other instrument ^^. I wanna do lots and help lots!
Calm or Hyper?: Hyper mostly.
Cute or Sexy? Cuute! Sexy cute.
Macabre or Happy? Happily Macabre.
Crossdressing or No? Yay!

Random questions:
What kind of music do you/would you like to produce?: A sweet, cute sound. Though, sometimes heavy or somber. Depends on the leader-sama.
Do you go for the singer/acter cliche, or just one or the other?: I'd rather do one or the other. ^^;
Are you into sex? If so, how much and how do you express this sexuality?: Yes of course. I show it by submission. =^^= and being cute.
If someone said something to anger you, how would you handle it?: Cry to my girl friend and she'd kill them.
What do you think of fangirls in general?: They're kind of cute. And pretty nice, too.
Do you like the media/attention?: At times, yes. When it's needed.
Anything else?: Nuu ~ ^^;

Please list five, or less bands or J-rockers that you would like to be rated as/from:
Malice Mizer
Antic Cafe

Please post 2 clear pictures of yourself. If you have none, please describe yourself:

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