Dyed, my heart is painted...
All~About you~
Name: Cassian
Nickname/s: Cass, Cassidy, Cassis, Cass-chan
Age: 17
Birthday: Jan. 13 1989
Gender: Female
Likes: Bass guitar (which I play), crossdressing, Victorian era, hats (tophats, pageboy hats, etc), Victorian clothes (male and female), French, butterflies, elaborate outfits, beautiful music, snow
Dislikes: Stupid people, intolerance, people who judge quickly (or at all for that matter cuz no one knows what is truly in one's heart)
Hobbies: Jrock, talking
Many people tell me I should be a model and I'd love to! Not to be selfish or anything, but I really aspire to maybe model something here and there. ^^ I don't judge anyone at all (yes, I can honestly say this) and I love helping people with whatever they like. I love being in love for the sake of loving.
Weaknesses: I weave webs.
Colour: Black, red, purple
Animal: Cat, horse, birds of prey, songbirds
Foods: Chocolate, candy, fresh fruit, salads
J-rocker: Ryuutaro Arimura - Plastic Tree
J-rock band:
Plastic Tree, Dir en grey, Gazette,An Cafe, Pierrot...the list goes on
J-rock pairing: Ryuutaro x Tadashi
L E A S T F A V O R I T E:
Colour: mud
Animal: Fish
Foods: Meat
J-rocker: ehh...not so much dislike. Wait. KISAKI.
J-rock band: Can't stand HiHi Puffy Ami Yumi. >.< But they're not Jrock...right?
J-rock pairing: Mana x Anyone e.e; Soorrry...
Pessimistic or Optimistic?: Optimistically pessimistic
Leader or Follower?: A mix of both, mostly leader
Independent or Dependent?: Independant.
Quiet or Loud?: Mostly quiet, but get to know me and you'll see I'm not so much
Loner or Social?: Social, but I love my space
Singer or Other Instrument?: BASS GUITAR! :D
Calm or Hyper?: Always calm ^_^
Cute or Sexy?: Cute in a sexy way ^.~
Macabre or Happy?: Mostly happy, can be macabre
Crossdressing or No?: Yessss
Random questions:
What kind of music do you/would you like to produce?: Quiet, deep rythmn, catchy and powerful
Do you go for the singer/acter cliche, or just one or the other?: Not sure...probably singer (if I could sing XD)
Are you into sex? If so, how much and how do you express this sexuality?: Very much into sex. Only to the people I know though. ^.~
If someone said something to anger you, how would you handle it?: I would confront them about it and give them what they deserve.
What do you think of fangirls in general?: xD Well...its good to have fans.
Do you like the media/attention?: I'd soak it up
Anything else?: Uhh...yay?
Please list five, or less bands or J-rockers that you would like to be rated as/from:
Gazette, Dir en grey, Pierrot, Plastic Tree...anybody you wanna rate me as. ^_^ I'm curious to see what you guys think.
Please post 2 clear pictures of yourself. If you have none, please describe yourself: