Arcella gandalfi

May 25, 2014 20:45

      Féres J.C., Porfírio-Sousa A.L., Ribeiro G.M., Rocha G.M., Sterza J.M., Souza M.B.G., Soares C.E.A., Lahr D.J.G. 2016. Morphological and morphometric description of a novel shelled amoeba Arcella gandalfi sp. nov. (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) from Brazilian continental waters // Acta Protozoologica. 55(4): 221-229. (Описание: с. 222.)


Test diameter on average 81 μm, test height 71 μm.
      Рисунки из первоисточника, figs. 2a и 6a.

Etymology: "The specific epithet refers to the shape of the shell that resembles a wizard’s hat, similar to that of Gandalf the Grey, a central character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy novel Lord of the Rings" (op. cit., p. 225).

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